Toshinobu Kubota "Drunkard Terry" English Lyrics (久保田利伸「Drunkard Terry」歌詞)

"Drunkard Terry" is a song by Toshinobu Kubota.
It appears as track #11 on his album "Such A Funky Thang" [1988.09.29]
English Lyrics
Toshinobu Kubota "Drunkard Terry"
Lyrics: Masumi Kawamura
Composition: Toshinobu Kubota

You gulp down your alcohol with one hand and your eyes get twisted
Tonight, once again, you dance your special boogaloo before you reach your destination
The scar that runs from the left corner of your eye
Is the present left behind from the person that shared the same dream as you

If you’re in a good mood, you drink all the way until your last dime
All you have is your well made wet bed

Drunkard Drunkard Terry
Drunkard Drunkard Terry
It’s going to be alright
You don’t have to keep drinking; good things will come
And the sun will rise again

The brunette you picked up places her knees on a pillow
You vacantly stare into your glass and talk about the past
You drink every drink down to the bubbles
And you end up playing the blues with broken down sighs in your sleep

When you’re dreaming, success is your forte
And when you wake up in the morning, you begin to shuffle with machines

Drunkard Drunkard Terry
Drunkard Drunkard Terry
You don’t want to do anything
Fame and fortune come and go
Nothing lasts forever

If you’re in a good mood, you drink all the way until your last dime
All you have is your well made wet bed

I don’t know why, but before we reach
That honest night you promised to be sober, you’re dreamin' of drinking Jamaica

Drunkard Drunkard Terry
Drunkard Drunkard Terry
It’s going to be alright
You don’t have to keep drinking; good things will come
And the sun will rise again

Drunkard Drunkard Terry
Drunkard Drunkard Terry
You don’t want to do anything
Fame and fortune come and go
Nothing lasts forever

Toshinobu Kubota "Drunkard Terry"
Lyrics: Masumi Kawamura
Composition: Toshinobu Kubota
Katate de aoru jameika metsuki mo yorete
Konya mo ikitsuku saki wa ohako no bugaruu
Hidari no mejiri ni hashiru hosoi kizuato wa
Onaji yumemita aitsu ga nokoshita purezento
Nori ga yokerya daimu made nomihosu
Shikketa beddo mo aru dake joudeki sa

Drunkard Drunkard Terry
Drunkard Drunkard Terry
Nantoka naru sa
Tsuzukya shinaiyo ii koto aru sa
Hi wa mata noboru

Dokokade hirotta burunetto hiza wo makura ni
Gurasu wo bonyari mitsumete mukashi wo kataru
Subete ga nuketa sooda no awa to kiehate
Saigo wa neiki majiri no ikareta buruusu

Yume no naka ja sakusesu datte wo tenomono
Sameta asa ni wa hajimaru Shuffle with machine

Drunkard Drunkard Terry
Drunkard Drunkard Terry
Dounimo naru sa
Nagaku wa naisa un mo kane mo
Tenka no mawari mo no

Nori ga yokerya daimu made nomihosu
Shikketa beddo mo aru dake joudeki sa
Ichido wa shirafu de chikau matomo na yoru wo
Nazeda ka ikitsuku saki wa Dreamin jameika

Drunkard Drunkard Terry
Drunkard Drunkard Terry
Nantoka naru sa
Tsuzukya shinaiyo ii koto aru sa
Hi wa mata noboru

Drunkard Drunkard Terry
Drunkard Drunkard Terry
Dounimo naru sa
Nagaku wa naisa un mo kane mo
Tenka no mawari mo no
久保田利伸「Drunkard Terry」
作曲: 久保田利伸

片手であおる酒(ジャメイカ) 目つきもよれて
今夜も 行きつく先は オハコのブガルー
左の目尻に走る 細い傷あとは
同じ夢見たアイツが 残したプレゼント
ノリがよけりゃ ダイムまで飲み干す
シッケたベッドもあるだけ 上出来さ

Drunkard Drunkard Terry
Drunkard Drunkard Terry
続きゃしないよ イイコトあるさ

どこかで拾ったブルネット ひざを枕に
グラスをぼんやり見つめて 昔を語る
すべてが抜けたソーダの 泡と消え果て
最後は 寝息まじりの イカれたブルース

夢の中じゃ サクセスだってお手のもの
覚めた朝には 始まる Shuffle with machine

Drunkard Drunkard Terry
Drunkard Drunkard Terry
長くはないさ 運も金も

ノリがよけりゃ ダイムまで飲み干す
シッケたベッドもあるだけ 上出来さ
一度はシラフで誓う まともな夜を
なぜだか 行き着く先は Dreamin ジャメイカ

Drunkard Drunkard Terry
Drunkard Drunkard Terry
続きゃしないよ イイコトあるさ

Drunkard Drunkard Terry
Drunkard Drunkard Terry
長くはないさ 運も金も
